Peer Reviewed Journal Articles on Conflict Resolution Careers

The following is a list I am collecting of peer reviewed articles on conflict resolution careers.   They are in the citation style recommended by the publisher.  These are only from peer reviewed journals and books.  If you have an article you’d like to add, let me know.   I want to limit this list to research-based pieces.   (I have some other pieces that are from professional journals and other sources here).

Matz, David, “No Career Ladders for Mediators: A Failure of the Field” (2014). Center for Peace, Democracy and Development Publications. 5.

Velikonja, Urska, Making Peace and Making Money: Economic Analysis of the Market for Mediators in Private Practice (November 17, 2008). 72 Albany Law Review 257 (2009) Available at SSRN:

Zelizer, C. (2015). The role of conflict resolution graduate education in training the next generation of practitioners and scholars. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21(4), 589-603

Zelizer, C., and C. Chiochetti, “Mediation career trends through time,” in Georgakopoulos, A. (Ed.). (2017). The Mediation Handbook. New York: Routledge



Updated 6/19/18