#5: Peace Week Practice – Next Steps?

By: David J. Smith, September 22, 2017

The International Day of Peace was yesterday.  Hopefully it was a meaningful day for you.  Now going forward, what are your next steps?  Do you have plans for a continual strategy? Taking a class? Volunteering? Staying up to date on world events? Work to bridge divides in the U.S.? Peace is not just about one day or one week.  It is a constant everyday effort. Make a commitment, a plan, create a habit for peace in your personal and professional lives.  It is a daily effort and requires daily dedication.

Ask yourself at the end of the day: What did I do for peace today?


Published by David J. Smith

I am a career coach, consultant, and head of a not for profit - the Forage Center - that offers humanitarian education training. I also teach at George Mason University and Drexel University. A one time lawyer, I spent many years teaching in a community college where I was a Fulbright U.S. Scholar teaching in Estonia. I'm the author of Peace Jobs: A Student's Guide to Starting a Career Working for Peace (IAP 2016). I've been married to my best friend for over 31 years and we have two well adjusted adult children who teach me something new everyday. I live in Rockville, Maryland.

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